Study Resources

A collection of links to some great Biblically-based study resources as you seek after God and His Son Jesus Christ!

Blue Letter Bible: Excellent full-featured free Bible website that allows you to read the Bible in different versions, listen online, as well as deep dive into a Bible verse to study the rich context of its original language. The Android/Apple app is a must-have for your phone or tablet. With an entire free study library at your fingertips explore the Word of God!

Got Questions: Literally thousands of questions answered in simple to read one-page formats about the Bible, its precepts, as well as world religions, social, cultural, moralistic…just about any question you may have, you will probably find it here!

CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry) is Another great Bible study website that has thousands of articles available to help Equip Christians, defend the faith, and reach the lost for Jesus.

Koinonia House is the 501(c) (3) publishing ministry of Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen. Our Mission Statement is: To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.